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October, 2014 

Volume 4,

Issue 2

In this issue
Research and Best Practice
Good Clinical Health Promotion Practice

Hanne Tønnesen

Short- and long-term effect of a worksite group versus individual counseling on physical activity and dietary habits in moderately over weight hospital employees – a randomized controlled trial

Lise N Søndergaard, Kim Overvad, Elizabeth L Andreasen, Lone B Rosenkilde, AnneMette Haugaard, Claus Dethlefsen, Jane Andreasen

Does an intensive alcohol cessation intervention at the time of fracture surgery induce smoking cessation? - The Scand-Ankle study 

Erika Wernheden, Marianne Aalykke, Bolette Pedersen, Julie WM Egholm, Jes B Lauritzen, Bjørn L Madsen, Hanne Tønnesen

Gender and Content influence Second-Level Students’ Expectations of Health Education Seminars provided in a Health Promoting Hospital Setting

Cecily C Kelleher, David Kelly, Oran Finnegan, Mary Kerley, Kirsten Doherty, Irene Gilroy, Greg Conlon, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Leslie Daly

Diabetes and Weight Loss: a Pilot Study

Yen Ang, Teik Kee Ng, Chai Nyuk Chong, Keat Hui Ch’ng

Awarded scientific abstracts from the 22nd International HPH Conference

Chiu-Ching Huang, Cheng-Chieh Lin, Fung-Chang Sung, Tsai-Chung Li, Chiu-Shong Liu, Wen-Yuan Lin, Li-Chi Huang, Ya-Fei Yang, Chia-Ing Li

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